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Analysis of the Reasonable Use of Hydraulic Oil Pumps in Hydraulic Systems
Release time: 2023-9-24 1:48:20   Number of views: 113
In the hydraulic system, the hydraulic oil pump, as the main power output component, is indispensable. But in the hydraulic system, there are many key points to be aware of when using oil pumps, otherwise it may lead to a decrease in oil pump life or damage.
① The hydraulic oil pump can be installed with a support or flange, and the pump and prime mover should use a common foundation support. Both the flange and foundation should have sufficient rigidity. Special attention: plunger pumps with a flow rate greater than (or equal to) 160L/min should not be installed on the fuel tank.
② Elastic couplings should be used to connect the hydraulic oil pump and the output shaft of the prime mover. It is strictly prohibited to install a pulley or gear driven hydraulic pump on the hydraulic pump shaft. If a pulley or gear must be connected to the pump, a pair of supports should be added to install the pulley or gear. The coaxiality error between the support and the pump shaft should not exceed Φ 0.05mm.
③ The oil suction pipe should be as short, straight, large, and thick as possible. Generally, a coarse filter with a nominal flow rate not less than twice the pump flow rate should be installed in the oil suction pipeline (the filtration accuracy is generally 80-180 μ m) . The drain pipe of the hydraulic pump should be directly connected to the oil tank, and the back pressure of the return oil should not exceed 0.05MPa. The suction and return nozzles of the oil pump must be 200mm below the low oil level of the oil tank. Special attention should be paid to not installing an oil filter on the oil suction pipeline of the plunger pump. The diameter of the stop valve on the oil suction pipeline should be one block larger than the diameter of the oil suction pipeline. The length of the oil suction pipeline should be L<2500mm, and there should be no more than two pipeline elbows.
④ The inlet and outlet ports of the hydraulic oil pump should be installed firmly, and the sealing device should be reliable, otherwise there may be air intake or oil leakage, which affects the performance of the hydraulic pump.
⑤ The self priming height of the hydraulic oil pump shall not exceed 500mm (or the inlet vacuum degree shall not exceed 0.03MPa). If a makeup oil pump is used for oil supply, the oil supply pressure shall not exceed 0.5MPa. When the oil supply pressure exceeds 0.5MPa, a pressure resistant sealing ring shall be used instead. For plunger pumps, it is recommended to use a backflow self priming method as much as possible.
⑥ Before installing the hydraulic oil pump, it should be checked whether the depth of the installation hole is greater than the shaft extension length of the pump to prevent the occurrence of shaft jacking, otherwise the pump will be burned.
hydraulic pump 
Precautions for using hydraulic oil pumps:
① When starting the hydraulic oil pump, it should be jogged several times. After the oil flow direction and sound are normal, it should be operated at low pressure for 5-10 minutes before being put into normal operation. Before starting the plunger pump, clean working oil must be filled into the pump through the oil drain port on the casing.
② The viscosity of the oil changes with the influence of temperature, and the viscosity decreases with the increase of oil temperature, so the oil temperature is required to be kept below 60 ℃. In order to make the hydraulic pump work stably at different operating temperatures, the selected oil fluid should have the oil temperature characteristics that the viscosity is less affected by temperature changes, as well as better chemical stability, foam resistance, etc. It is recommended to use L-HM32 or L-HM46 (GB11118.1-94) anti wear hydraulic oil.
③ The oil must be clean and free from mechanical impurities and corrosive substances. Hydraulic systems without filtration devices on the oil suction pipeline must pass through a filter truck (with a filtration accuracy of less than 25 μ m) Fill the fuel tank with oil.
④ The high pressure and high speed of hydraulic oil pumps refer to the peak values allowed for a short period of time during use, and long-term use should be avoided, otherwise it will affect the service life of the hydraulic pump.
⑤ The normal operating oil temperature of the hydraulic oil pump is 15-65 ℃. The high temperature on the pump casing is generally 10-20 ℃ higher than the oil temperature at the pump inlet in the oil tank. When the oil temperature in the oil tank reaches 65 ℃, the high temperature on the pump casing does not exceed 75-85 ℃.
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Keywords of this website: multi way valve, gear pump, manual valve, overflow valve, power unit, hydraulic system, hydraulic motor, hydraulic accessories
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